Our Services

We want you to go beyond where you’ve ever gone before and aim after and achieve everything you want – not need.  However, the chances are you are heavily invested in the limitations and lack of today’s mainstream narrative and the downright lies that condition our thinking. The very beliefs that not only limit what you believe are possible but actually prevent you from ever trying!

You can find something for everyone here, although we highly recommend our signature programme ‘Thinking Into Results’ which is designed to improve and elevate the quality of people’s lives through the continued enhancement of their individual thoughts.

How and what we think is the only barrier to achievement we ever have and everything else that follows thought is predicated on it.


    Do I need help from Pro-tivity?

    You are always traveling some where in your mind – Mind is movement. Your body can’t go anywhere where the mind hasn’t travelled before it. What you write on the inside of your mind will become an experience on the outside for sure. The problem facing us today is that the mind is always moving from one thought to another and is constantly being distracted and void of direction. Most frustrations we experience today are due to unfulfilled desires and absolutely nothing to with your abilities. Pro-tivity represents the “proactive-activity” of the mind and taking responsibility for intentional thought and it’s direction towards what we want. Motion and emotion must balance if we are to consistently achieve what we set out to do. Your mind will get you anything and everything you instruct it to once we learn to give it clear instructions and remain focused only on it’s achievement. Pro-tivity represents intentionally living a life well lived in Mind, Body, Heart and Spirits the four dimensions of human life.
    Are your current results in life where you want them to be? No matter what area of life you look at especially in the creative arts be it film, sports, music and business, every top performer has a coach. If you aren’t getting the results you want in your career, health, relationships or any sphere of life, a coach can help you. A coach will be supportive, however unlike many best friends they will keep you on point and hold you accountable for your activities. A good coach will see in you something you may not see in yourself and communicate your worth so clearly that you begin to see it in yourself and start taking action towards its achievement.
    Companies are made up of teams and teams are made up of individuals right? So we work with individuals because even in large teams if one person isn’t on the same frequency as the team they act like an anchor to the group be that in work or family.
    Yes absolutely – with some of our clients we enjoy relationships spanning 20 years plus and we’ve been with them through the various growth rings life presents. It’s normal that our involvement becomes less as they become more equipped however we are often used as a soundboard and guidance when new thinking is required to get different results.
    We often do however that investment is in the form of time and energy. Many of our Thinking Into Results students have an entrepreneurial spirit and go on to develop their visions in business or become coaches and facilitators of our programs in their own right. We support and encourage them on their journey with resources and ongoing mentorship. For example Rachel Plant who is a fantastic coach and manager to nursery children has a section on this website and we sponsor and endorse her work not only because she is a student of ours but because she makes such a difference to children and their families that we wanted to invest in what she does.


    Ash told me that this programme was simple..just not that easy…and he was 100% spot on!
    I was used to starting things, never really finishing them or following the instructions and then getting frustrated and...
    Tony P
    La Linea, España
    So how do you go from being at least 3st overweight, depressed, frequently contemplating suicide because you...
    Zina Simpson

    About Ash Cookson

    Ash is a dynamic and energy driven person that has taken the lead from a very young age. Whether leading out a football team in his youth to leading a mess-deck of military personnel in times of conflict right through to leading multiple businesses in corporate life. Ash has an absolute passion for helping people grow and has always been the catalyst for change brought about by bringing a vision to life through intentional activities underpinned with desire, passion, persistence, belief and a commitment to do absolutely anything it takes.